Beebeecraft box opening and sneak peek into my new little art studio

Hello dear friends!

How are you? How is 2022 for you?
Me, I love fresh starts. And I started this year with so much uplifting vibes. But it was not like this most of the days in the last two years (many changes, lots of uncertainty and my creativity was strongly affected). But now I’ve settled for the time being in Switzerland and my life is again more balanced and more like an adventure. Because there are news streets and places that I discover all the time when strolling around and this is the advantage of moving from one place to another.

So, I’m back with lots of creative ideas to share with you. 😊 Which is why, when I was contacted by Lisa from, I said YES, I’d be happy to receive jewelry samples to use them to make beautiful tutorials for you. Yes, yes, yes.

Here are the links to the products I have picked from their site (there were so many great products, I did not know what to choose first, but I can tell you that I was very happy with the quality of the products when I received them). You’ll see them in future tutorials 😎

Beebeecraft YouTube Program: Get Free Products by doing videos for us, you will get the chance if you have more than 100 subscribers. If you are interested, please click the following link to contact us:

And yes, there’s a special coupon for you: Use Mihaela5 and Save $5 on orders over $40.

Let me know in the comments which of the products in the video would you like me to use for a future clay tutorial 😍

Have a beautiful and blessed day!



  1. Hello Mihaela, lovely to see you return.
    It felt like Christmas as I watched you unwrap the parcel. So many lovely articles, which, I’m sure, you will use brilliantly. I’m looking forward to see where your creativity takes you!
    And, the scene from your new window is gorgeous. What a wonderful art room; your creativity is sure to soar.
    Many Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Hello Mihaela, so glad tyou are back! Thank you for this update, it all sounds great and your studio has an amazing view! I look forward to seeing all your new designs, I hope you share them soon.

    1. Hi Blanca! Thank you for your beautiful message!🌹 It feels great to be back! Thank you also for appreciating my little art studio and for encouraging me to make more designs! I really appreciate it. Have a wonderful and joy-filled week-end!

  3. Bonjour Mihaela, ravi que tu sois de retour !
    Sympathique petit studio d’art… Merci pour ces mises à jour et ces beaux billets…
    Belle imagination pour tes nouveaux designs et bon courage pour tes futures créations !
    D’Auvergne, ce petit clin d’œil à la Suisse… Joyeux week-end ! Bisous amicaux.

    1. Bonjour Louis,
      Je te remercie pour tes gentils mots! Merci aussi pour tes encouragements et pour l’appréciation!
      Cela me fait très plaisir de recevoir ton message d’Auvergne. J’ai habité en France pendant 9 ans et je la garderai à jamais dans mon coeur.
      Je te souhaite une très belle journée et bon week-end! Bisous amicaux!

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