
Free polymer clay tutorials by Beads Academy / Mihaela Georgescu

See below photos and links to my free polymer clay tutorials

(in the lower part of this page)

My name is Mihaela Georgescu and I am a Jewelry Making Artist.

I have been working as a Translator and Conference Interpreter for 10 years, but one day I realized that I wanted to express my ideas and that my days as a messanger of some else’s ideas were gone. It was time for me to let my love for art and color take control of me and thus express my true self. When I have seen for the first time a bead embroidered necklace, it was love at first sight. It seemed amazing and difficult and as I love challenges, I started to study everything there was to know about bead embroidery. In time I played a lot with different techniques and materials, ranging from seed beads, to Swarovski crystals, metal components and aluminium from aluminium cans, Powertex, decoupage, mosaic,  paints and powders and my newly discovered love: Polymer Clay.

My blog is about the process of creation or the result of it. This is the place where I share my ideas, impressions, techniques or inspiration. This is the place (meaning in the blogosphere), where I find artists to talk to, to be inspired by, poetry to read, photos to admire and inspirational writings to live by.

What can I say more about me? I left Romania, with my family, with the intention of passing exams and becoming a EU staff interpreter. In the beginning I lived in Belgium with my husband (who is currently working for a EU institution) and my 2 year old son. For the first time in years, I had a lot of time to think about life, about myself, about my motivations. In Romania I had my own translation company and I have always been self-employed (I have never in my life had a boss and I have always been my own boss and in charge of my destiny). So I quickly realized that I wanted to continue to be on my own and I started searching for an idea that could allow me to be once again financially independent.

In time I have learned anything I could about making jewelry (beading, bead embroidery, polymer clay), painting, scrapbooking, decoupage, Powertex. My first idea was to sell artisan jewelry made by myself, then I realized I wanted to do more: I wanted to share my passion with other people, to inspire them to create, to teach them how to make jewelry. Making jewelry can be a fun recreational thing or a means to earn a living.

It was a very difficult and scary decision to let my work as a translator behind and plunge into a new world, full of beauty, color and possibilities. I never regretted my choice and I am happy each and every day to be able to do what I love: to create, to inspire and to admire beautiful jewelry pieces regardless of the materials, techniques or era when they were created. I am inspired  by beautiful jewelry details, fabric patterns, paintings, drawings, nature and I truly think that inspiration is everywhere, you only have to look around.

Thank you for visiting my blog!

My best to you!


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Step into my Free Tutorial Gallery:

(click on the photo to go to the tutorial page)

How to paint on polymer clay and get a faux enamel effect. Great inspiration for your work with polymer clay!

Achieving a faux enamel look using Lumiere Metallic Acrylic paints. Take this inspiration and use it to make beautiful polymer clay jewelry pieces

A faux Pandora style bracelet that you can make using polymer clay. Watch the tutorial to get inspired!


Using gilding foil, a clear stamp, black ink, silver pigment and polymer clay to get a faux old silver look


Polymer clay video tutorial - Inspiration to work with translucent polymer clay and alcohol inks - Why not use LED lights in your polymer clay jewelry pieces?

Free polymer clay tutorials by Mihaela Georgescu

LED Jewelry made using polymer clay - Visit https://michellemaya2005.wordpress.com/ for more polymer clay tutorials

Free polymer clay tutorial by Beads Academy / Mihaela Georgescu

Free polymer clay tutorial by Beads Academy / Mihaela Georgescu. ArtBeadScene May Challenge

Alien Roses - Free polymer clay tutorial by Beads Academy / Mihaela Georgescu. More inspiration on: https://michellemaya2005.wordpress.com/

Free polymer clay tutorial by Beads Academy / Mihaela Georgescu

Free polymer clay tutorial by Mihaela Georgescu / Beads Academy

Oriental Beads / Free Polymer clay tutorial by Beads Academy/ Mihaela Georgescu https://michellemaya2005.wordpress.com/


Playing with Pebeo Paints and Polymer Clay by Mihaela Georgescu / Beads Academy

Free polymer clay tutorial by Mihaela Georgescu / Beads Academy

Free polymer clay tutorial by Mihaela Georgescu @ Beads Academy

Free polymer clay tutorial by Beads Academy /Mihaela Georgescu

Free polymer clay tutorial by Mihaela Georgescu / Beads Academyhttps://michellemaya2005.wordpress.com/2015/10/31/halloween-cat-meow/

Inspired by a Painting


Inspired by MINIATURES - polymer clay

Inspired by SeaShells

Inspired by BOHO

Inspired by a Flower Wreath by Mihaela Georgescu



Inspired by Mirror Reflections (2)

Inspired by Irises

Inspired by Haute Couture

Inspired by

Inspired by Steampunk

Inspired by One Stroke Technique

Inspired by Art Nouveau (3)

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Passion Flower Box

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Polymer clay tutorial

Once upon a time

Visit my Gallery of more than 30 free polymer clay tutorials to be inspired @ Beads Academy / Mihaela Georgescu


    1. Thank you very much! I’m still searching for my unique voice and discovering myself, but I think I am on the right track. And I am a cruise addict as well, I just came back from a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea ( a Costa Cruise) and I remember every morning the feeling I had when I drank my coffee on the ship looking at the sea and skies. This is my second cruise (we went on a cruise in our honeymoon) and I am already making plans for next year to go on another one!

  1. Hi Mihaela. Thanks for dropping by my blog and deciding to follow. Love the work you are showing and look forward to further updates!

    1. Thank you for the suggestion! I also loved her wonderful Earth-inspired jewelry (especially the earrings). It must be very inspiring to live in South Africa (wonderful landscapes, colors…)

  2. Hi! Thank you so much for following my blog! Hope you’ll enjoy reading my posts! I also love beads and oolymer clay, too! … and traveling, of course! 🙂

      1. I am happy to meet you too! You are most welcome! I hope to post more of my arts and crafts soon! Please feel free to comment and share your insights, it will be greatly appreciated! 🙂

  3. Oh great, another fantastic talented person who is going to make me spend a fortune at the craft shop!! I am so following you, (as in your blog not in a stalkery type way 😉 ). Thank you for liking my post and following my blog. I’m very new to this craft stuff and getting a like from someone as talented as you means more than you know. If you have any advice on any of my crafts I would be so grateful. 🙂

    1. In fact when working with polymer clay, you really need few things: polymer clay and an oven and then you can play with things you have around the house: acrylics to color it, buttons or pieces of old jewelry to press them into the clay to get a nice design. You need a cutter (a craft knife or even a razor blade) and you can cut any shape you want (for instance you make petals shapes on the clay, cut them out and put them together to make a flower). You can replace the vein mold with the imprints of a toothpick. There are many instruments out there, yet you can replace them with other things you already have (be inventive). Varnish is optional. As I love flowers very much, I must say that I love your rose wreath!

      1. Thank you for the tips. I’ve made some jewellery out of polymer clay before. The pics are on my Pinterest but I haven’t uploaded them on here yet. I’ll definitely have to revisit my stash and try some of you suggestions though 😍

      2. I don’t know how to find your Pinterest account. While looking around, I found your post Stitched up and I loved the woman silhouette with the embroidered dress. Amazing work! You are very talented!

      3. Oh don’t worry I wasn’t sending you to there haha I just meant I’d get round to adding the pics on here soon. Thanks again for the lovely comment. It means a lot xx

  4. I’m so happy to have journeyed into your blog.
    I fell in love with your beautiful art.
    Your works are so beautiful and creative.
    I have to learn many things.

    Best wishes for you, ❤

    1. I am very impressed by your wonderful words especially because they are coming from a very talented artist. I love your original drawings and the soft colors you use! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for encouraging me! Best wishes, Mihaela!

    1. It is a real pleasure to read your blog posts. Just like you, I love travelling (even if this means just looking at beautiful images and reading someone else’s impressions). My soul is travelling, that’s all that matters. And I love travelling with you! I have been working as a translator and conference interpreter for ten years, I have never considered myself as a creative or inventive person. Yet, I have never been so happy as I am when I sit at my table and work on a creative project. You never know your true potential. One day you might discover you had hidden talents!

      1. Maybe it’s a question of starting doing it on a regular basis and you can get better and better. I’m trying to make most things myself these days (includings cutting my own hair). i quite like the feeling of being able to things with my own hands. And thanks to youtube or other tutorials, you can learn a lot !!

      2. I started out making jewelry because I like doing things my way. I am a self-taught artist, I have learned everything I know watching tutorials on beading, working with polymer clay and DIY, reading beading magazines and books. The secret is to learn as much as you can and to consider that by sticking with it and working a lot, you’ll get better and better. Even the greatest artists were beginners at one time in their life.

  5. Mă bucur să constat că după Brâncuși, Ionesco, Enescu, Cioran, România continuă să exporte talent și creativitate (nu doar “romi”) către Franța. Pe de altă parte, mă întristează faptul că astfel de oameni, nu se pot manifesta în țara nativă și sunt nevoiți să-și împlinească destinele prin alte părți. Despre deciza ta de a urmari blogul meu, cu mici “expuneri lirice”, firește că mă onorează, dar mă și surprinde. Statistic vorbind, mai puțin de 0,5% din populația planetei, din motive necunoscute, mai “pierde” timpul citind poezie. Cum s-ar spune pe românește: “am nimerit acul, în carul cu fân”. Sper ca în viitor să am inspirația necesară, pentru a posta texte cu suficienta valoare artistică, încât să merite atenția și timpul tău. Pentru că am admirat creațiile tale, mi-aș permite și o mica considerație personală și implicit subiectivă; ai avut o idee grozavă să te inspiri din geniala Frida Kahlo. Cred că este un filon pe care ar trebui să-l exploatezi mai intens. Mi se pare imposibil să nu ai un succes deosebit, cu așa ceva.

    1. Iti multumesc pentru mesaj si vreau sa iti spun ca mi-au placut foarte mult poeziile tare. Mi-au mers la suflet. Dorul meu de tara si dorul meu de a auzi romana, de a citi cuvinte romanesti ma face sa iubesc si mai mult poeziile romanesti, proza romaneasca, imaginile cu si despre Romania. Este ciudat ca eu am plecat din tara in intentia de a lucra ca interpret de conferinta la o institutie europeana (pregatirea mea fiind de traducator si interpret de conferinta), insa in timp am descoperit ca am o latura artistica si ca as putea crea. Inca imi caut identitatea mea ca artist, inca nu stiu ce ma defineste pe mine (insa am o placere teribila sa invat si sa incerc sa trec dincolo de ceea ce am invatat, de a exprima ideile in felul meu personal). Ideea de a ma inspira din tabloul pictat de Frida nu imi apartine (din pacate), ci este tabloul propus in cadrul unui concurs lunar de bijuterii la care particip. Insa s-a simtit in bijuteria pe care am creat-o ca imi place Frida, ca artist si o admir si ca femeie (care a stiut sa fie puternica in ciuda vietii dificile pe care a avut-o). Desi traiesc in Franta, cred ca sunt mai atasata de Romania in prezent mai mult decat in vremurile cand eram in tara pentru ca o parte din sufletul meu ramane acolo (parintii si rudele, prietenii, atatea amintiri frumoase). Iti multumesc pentru sfaturi si pentru ca mi-ai scris! Si iti multumesc ca scrii poezii pentru cei care simt nevoia de a-si desfata sufletul cu un vers!

      1. Pot sa spun ca sunt pasionata de fotografie, in sensul ca imi place la nebunie sa ma uit la poze. Urmaresc de altfel multe bloguri de arta fotografica si ma bucur de fiecare poza in parte (peisaje, flori, tari pe care mi-as dori sa le vizitez, portrete ale unor oameni pe care mi-ar placea sa ii cunosc). In general urmaresc bloguri de poezie si proza (in romana si in engleza), bloguri de arta fotografica, bloguri de turism (pentru ca imi place sa calatoresc, chiar daca e doar in imaginatia mea) si bineinteles bloguri de bijuterii, tutoriale si handmade. O seara frumoasa! Mihaela

    1. Thank you very much, Jennifer! I love your blog posts (I love reading inspirational literature) and I think I should put into practice your blog post on 10 WAYS TO SET YOUR LIFE ON FIRE! Great ideas to live by!

  6. Coucou Mihaela,
    Je découvre un blog magnifique.
    Je contemple ton travail et j’admire ton talent.
    Bisous d’amitié.
    Merci pour tout (Multumesc pentru tot).

    1. Merci, Louis pour m’avoir écrit de si belles choses et aussi pour avoir fait l’effort de m’écrire en roumain. J’ai beaucoup apprécie ! Merci aussi pour la chanson (j’aime bien Paula Seling). J’ai beaucoup aimé ton article sur la valeur du temps – https://lewisfoxy2.wordpress.com/2015/04/27/de-quoi-faire-reflechir-sur-la-valeur-du-temps/ C’est tellement vrai. Il faut alors faire très attention à ce que l’on fait avec le temps qui nous est donné. Moi, j’ai décidé un jour que je voudrais employer mon temps à créer et peut-être inspirer les autres, alors cela me rends très heureuse de lire des commentaires comme le tien! Merci pour tout ! Mihaela

  7. You have created so many lovely pieces. You should be pleased and proud. Thanks so much for the follow on my travel blog. I look forward to enjoying yours.

  8. Hi Mihaela, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and deciding to follow me. Just follow you back. I love your work is beautiful! I see that we have something very special in common our “Jewelry” and Art please feel free to stop by my Blog anytime and leave a line! I am looking forward to further updates and to get to know you better! 🙂

    1. Hello Carolina! Thank you for visiting my blog. Thank you for your kind words and also for the Blog Tour Award! I am very happy that I met you and I look forward to knowing you better! We share the same passion for jewelry and jewelry making! Best wishes! Mihaela

  9. Amazing talent, fabulous work Mihaela. I enjoyed your work. Thank you so much for your kindly visiting op my blog. I wish you success with your activity. Regards @Della

    1. Thank you, Della, for your appreciation! I am a photography lover and I loved your blog! I am fascinated by flowers so I particularly loved your flower photographs! Great work! I am very happy to meet you! Best wishes! Mihaela

    1. I loved reading more about you! Thank you again for mentioning me in your blog post! I love your creative ideas and the way in which you encourage people to be creative! Have a wonderful day! Mihaela

    1. Thank you, Stephie, for appreciating my blog and recommending it to your readers! I really appreciate it! And yes, I agree with you, a month passes so quickly! Good luck with your wonderful jewelry pieces and your blog posts! Best wishes! Mihaela

  10. This design of your blog is more attractive, more refined and above all more practical to navigate through the different inputs. The little creative works have something of ‘sons’ and I wish the best for this remarkable improvement. Hugs Mihaela.

    1. Thank you, dear friend, for appreciating the new look of my blog. I like it more too. And I hope it is easier to navigate through. I am sorry for not being able to say more, I am terribly sad and still shocked about what happened in Paris. Today I was unable to think about anything. A week ago a terrible fire started out in a club in Bucharest, Romania, and a lot of young people died and it was a tragedy in Romania….now this tragedy in France….I try so much to be positive and have faith, but there are moments like that when I feel I lack the force…

      1. I feel better today (I continue to be sad), but I know that you don’t have to give in to the fear. And I am trying to do that… to not let fear control me…My best to you! Mihaela

      2. We had some sun in the afternoon, here, in Thionville. I feel energized when the sun is shinning. I think Barcelona must be very beautiful in this time of the year…with a very colorful autumnal look. Thank you for always having wonderful words for me! Have an excellent evening! Mihaela

    1. Thank you for the nomination my dear blogger friend. The idea of the challenge is interesting. I will try to participate in the challenge. Have a wonderful day! Mihaela

      1. it was my plsr nominating my new blogger frnd for the 3 day challenge… good luck … 🙂

  11. Mihaela, very nice to learn more about you. What a lovely blog you have. I appreciate you following my blog, and I will certainly take time to visit yours as well. I hope your day is a happy one! 🙂

  12. Hi Mihaela, I am very impressed by your work! Everything I have seen here is amazing! Keep up your great creativity! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Simona! I am sorry for replying so late. I’ve been to a conference on polymer clay in Bordeaux and I hope that the inspiring ideas and the wonderful feeling I had when meeting so many amazing people will translate into my work and come up with more interesting tutorials! I wanted to congratulate you for following your passion https://simonaprill.com/2016/07/14/following-the-passion/ For me, going to this conference in Bordeaux, was the same thing: I followed my passion. Best wishes! Mihaela

    1. Congratulations on your award! Thank you very much for nominating me and for the wonderful things that you said about my blog! In this moment I put all my concentration on making video tutorial (as inspiration for working with polymer clay) and I’m not sure when I will be able to honor your nomination. But I will try! Thank you! Have a wonderful week-end! Mihaela

    1. Thank you, dear Carolyn, for thinking of me and for nominating me for the award! I will think about the award and I am truly happy that you thought of me. Wishing you a wonderful trip to England and Japan. I am sending you lots of Love and Blessings! xoxoxo Mihaela

    1. Thank you, Sreejith Nair, for your beautiful words. I love your photos and it’s a great opportunity for me (and for us) to learn more about a culture that I find fascinating. Thank you! Have a beautiful day!
      Best regards,

    1. Dear Eileen, thank you so much for your beautiful words that touched my heart. I love your art, I love your watercolors, your fabric patterns and all the inspiration you share with the world. I’m truly honored that you decided to share a link to my blog in your newsletter and I thank you for everything! Have a beautiful and creative day full of beautiful moments! You’ve made my day a very joyous one…

      1. I also felt like this as well when I met you through your blog. I love learning and exploring and sharing my ideas. In the beginning it was easier for me to make photo tutorials, but now I think it’s really easier to make video tutorials. It takes a little bit of time to get used to the idea, but I’m sure you’ll love it. I can’t wait to see it and I totally encourage you to do it without thinking of it too much and then you’ll see in time what needs a little bit of tweaking. Have a beautiful and blessed day!

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